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T-Mobile achieves 1.3Gbps download speeds using License Assisted Access

T-Mobile have achieved another network speed milestone. T-Mobile and Nokia hit download speeds of 1.3Gbps this week using commercial Nokia tech with License Assisted Access (LAA). The testing was done at T-Mo’s lab in Bellevue, Wash. The equipment used in the test included Nokia’s AirScale MicroRRH connected to an AirScale module system. To reach 1.3Gbps, T-Mo and Nokia used aggregated LTE carriers in licensed and unlicensed bands … [read full article]

T-Mobile will support Always Connected PCs with Windows 10 and Snapdragon processors

T-Mobile supports a variety of devices on its network, including smartphones, tablets, and wearables, and now it’s committed to supporting another form factor. Qualcomm today confirmed that T-Mobile has said that it will support Always Connected PCs. These devices will run Windows 10 and will be powered by Qualcomm’s Snapdragon processors, like the 835. According to Qualcomm, these Always Connected PCs will offer benefits … [read full article]

T-Mobile Tuesdays will offer free T-Mo apron, $4 movie ticket, and more next week

Next Tuesday will be the final T-Mobile Tuesday of February 2018, and T-Mobile is planning some special offers to ensure February goes out with a bang. For the February 27 edition of T-Mobile Tuesdays, T-Mobile customers can score a free T-Mobile apron. There are two versions — magenta with white text and black with magenta text — and each one has the T-Mobile logo along with the [read full article]

AT&T files complaint with NAD over T-Mobile holiday video

Remember that claymation holiday video that T-Mobile launched last year called AT&T and Verizon “abominable carriers” and “major misers”? It turns out that AT&T didn’t care for the video, and so filed a complaint with the National Advertising Division. AT&T says that T-Mobile’s holiday video includes “unsubstantiated, false, and misleading claims, and disparages and denigrates AT&T.” T-Mobile denied … [read full article]

T-Mobile adopts Tupl’s AI technology to make its customer care better

T-Mobile is adding some new technology to its customer care arsenal. Tupl announced today that T-Mobile is using its Automated Customer Care Resolution (ACCR) tool. The technology uses artificial intelligence (AI) to give T-Mobile customer care reps with detailed cause reports and technical resolutions so that the the reps more quickly help customers. Tupl claims that its ACCR tool is 100 times faster and up … [read full article]