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T-Mobile Tuesdays will include Nature Conservancy donation and free reusable T-Mo bag next week

For next week’s edition of T-Mobile Tuesdays, T-Mo will help you to do some good for the world while also giving you gifts. On April 17, T-Mobile will plant a tree for every tweet that’s sent with the hashtag #TreeMobile in celebration of Earth Day. This includes tweets from non-T-Mobile customers, too. T-Mo will donate up to 50,000 trees to help The … [read full article]

T-Mobile US does not store customer passwords in plain text

This week, T-Mobile Austria admitted that it stores part of customer passwords in plain text. “The customer service agents see the first four characters of your password. We store the whole password, because you need it for the login for”, a T-Mo Austria rep explained. Many T-Mobile US customers are wondering if their carrier does the same thing, but T-Mo says that it does not. … [read full article]