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T-Mobile Named And Awarded As Walmart “Supplier Of The Year”

A big congratulations for our beloved carrier T-Mobile as they have been named Walmart’s 2011 “Supplier of the Year” in both the wireless category and overall entertainment division. T-Mobile was recognized with the retailer’s highest honor for supporting sales growth with the carriers innovative devices and affordable services. It’s nice to see T-Mobile receiving recognition, especially in light of some recent pitfalls in … [read full article]

“Occupy” Protesters And Communication Workers To March On New York T-Mobile Store

According to an early morning press release, hundreds of Occupy Wall Street protestors and members of the Communication Workers of America will march on a local T-Mobile store to show they are the 99%. Apparently there are some upset feelings toward T-Mobile’s alleged “anti-worker and union busting tactics,” according to the morning press release. The hope that is that hundreds of … [read full article]

T-Mobile Calls For “All Hands Day” For September 24th

Details are sketchy at best but we’ve just received a huge number of emails indicating that T-Mobile has called an “All Hands Day” meeting for September 24th for unknown reasons. Could this be a pre-iPhone launch meeting? Could this be related to the AT&T takeover or could this be related to T-Mobile discovering water on Mars? In any case, mark your calendars down for … [read full article]