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T-Mobile CEO To Leave Company

Robert Dotson, President and CEO of T-Mobile USA has announced his intent to step down from the company. After 15 years of service with T-Mobile USA, Dotson intends to purse new opportunities. Succeeding Dotson in the CEO position in May 2011 will be Philipp Humm, former CEO of T-Mobile Deutschland. “After a period of transition with Dotson, it’s the intention that Humm will take over as CEO of T-Mobile USA … [read full article]

T-Mobile Says Goodbye to MyFaves

After T-Mobile introduced its new Even More plans, everyone was wondering why in the world T-Mobile had decided to get rid of their MyFaves plans which many, including myself, loved. If you aren’t already familiar with the MyFaves feature, it simply was unlimited calling to any 5 people (landline or mobile) who were labeled as your “Faves”. T-Mobile, in reply to FierceWireless, claimed that it’s “simply time to replace the feature”. … [read full article]

More Sidekick Data Recovered

Its been a while since we’ve heard any updated info from T-Mobile regarding the Sidekick Outage. But it looks like T-Mobile has finally managed to recover all data that was lost for Sidekick users. Yesterday T-Mobile announced via their forums that now Sidekick users can proceed to recover calendar, to-do list and notes that were previously lost as part of the Danger/Microsoft service disruption. Follow the easy steps after the break to … [read full article]

T-Mobile Posts Third Quarter Results

T-Mobile reported third quarter 2009 results this morning and the numbers are less than impressive. Let’s just get right to the chase and mention they reported that in the third quarter of 2009, total customers declined by 77,000, compared to net additions of 325,000 from the second quarter of 2009. Comparatively, the third quarter of 2008 was met by net customer additions of 670,000. The number of contract customers declined by … [read full article]

T-Mobile Explains The Reason Behind Nationwide Outage

Okay by now I think we all are aware of the nationwide outage that occurred on Tuesday November 3rd. Today T-Mobile issued a new statement to the public as to what caused the nationwide outage. To summarize, T-Mobile investigated the cause behind the outage and claim that the culprit of the outage was “backend system software error had generated abnormal congestion on the network.” T-Mobile states that they have implemented additional … [read full article]

T-Mobile Service Restored

T-Mobile was hit hard lately with their nationwide service outage which started at around 5pm EST and varied in areas. Some  included both voice and data, others included one or the other. But now T-Mobile confirms that they have fully restored all voice and data services and now are trying to find the culprit of the outage. T-Mobile sincerely apologizes for the inconvenience this may have caused.  We have to realize this happens to everyone, and yes it has happened at least once to all … [read full article]

Oh No! Nationwide Outage

UPDATE 1: As of 9:30pm est approximately only 5% of users are still experiencing a service disruption. The rapid response team which really equates to Catherine Zeta Jones flying from tower to tower is on the job. UPDATE 2: Please do not overload T-Mobile customer care regarding this issue, they are swamped, overloaded and they have as much information as you do!! Give them a break! Apparently, a nationwide voice outage is plaguing some users today.  This outage seems to be … [read full article]

Project Dark, Again

Sunday is a big day in T-Mobileland, and while the company is trying to keep things from leaking, that is very hard to do in today’s world.  What we have here is further, clearer and more detailed confirmation of the rate plans accompanying Project Dark.  As it is, though, we are considering these rumors, so have your daily dose of salt.  Of course, maybe T-Mobile is trying to keep people in the dark by printing … [read full article]

Lack Of 3G Network Led To Customer Fleeing

I do not think it is going to shock anyone that T-mobile lost a number of customers due to the lack of a proper 3G network. Deutsche Telekom’s CFO Timotheus Hoettges says, “There is no question that we lost customers because many of our customers couldn’t get 3G. We now have to make sure that we can capitalize on the network in the top 10 cities where … [read full article]