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Bloomberg Says T-Mobile USA Needs A Partner, Do They?

Oh the good old rumor mill is churning yet again with tomorrows event featuring T-Mobile USA CEO Philip Humm and Deutsche Telekom CEO Rene Obermann. Bloomberg is running a report this morning pretty much offering up the very same analysis we’ve heard for months, T-Mobile needs a partner, more spectrum, needs to grow like a bean stalk , etc. Tomorrow is expected to showcase … [read full article]

T-Mobile To Offer Reception In New York City Subway Stations

According to BusinessWeek, T-Mobile USA and AT&T Mobility customers will soon be the first to get cellular reception in New York City subway stations after the carriers signed 10-year agreements which will allow access to an underground network being built by Transit Wireless. The agreement will allow T-Mobile and AT&T to provide cellular reception in 277 underground NYC subway stations. According to BusinessWeek, an official … [read full article]