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Shadow Users Getting Better Batteries

For Shadow users that have been getting poor performance from their batteries, some relief has finally come. Starting on July 28th, T-mobile plans to offer new batteries to Shadow users, free of charge, upon request. All you have to do is call in to Customer Care and request an extended battery for your Shadow. The catch? The new battery is larger, and requires a new back cover which … [read full article]

Nokia 7510 Supernova coming to T-mobile USA

Well this one is out of left field, but you can’t really complain about a phone that is called the Supernova. Wait, yeah we can! Where is the 3G or UMA?! We can expect this to be another Nokia music phone, marketed toward the young, hip-type that love funky phones. Talk about an iPhone killer…the Supernova sports a 2 megapixel (VGA Video…not bad!), 6 hours of … [read full article]

Nokia 1608 to release on July 21st, T-mobile customers cry

We have been asking for some high end devices, and look what we get! We know, we know, your asking why we would post something this trivial and unimportant. Well we’ve gotten in a lot of tips today, and we’re happy to say that this is definitely the most unexciting. For those five or six tech-savvy readers that are actually interested in this … [read full article]

National T-mobile 3G launch on October 1st?

Once and a while we will ask our users to take an article with a grain of salt. We’re going to up the ante here, and tell you to take this one with a whole damn bucket of salt. That said, we have some exciting T-mobile news to bring you don’t we? Well according to an anonymous tip TmoNews got, 3G is being lit up in … [read full article]

T-mobile updates with MobileLife

For those users that are disappointed with T-mobile’s official user’s site, MyT-mobile, here is a little relief. A while ago T-mobile brought you the first news about an update to T-mobile’s website, and it is finally here! Above is a screen shot of My MobileLife, giving you easy access to MobileBackup, MyFaves, Album, and Contacts. MobileLife came with some cool new features, such as the following list of options just … [read full article]

Shadow II getting closer and closer

If your one of those T-mobile customers that loves Windows Mobile, but needs a Hotspot@Home device, you probably haven’t been too happy with T-mobile since Hotspot@Home was released. Well luckily for you, TmoNews has some good news! You know that Shadow II we told you about a while back? Well it is confirmed, by [read full article]

Some 3G phone love!

Well thank goodness for FCC release details. Phonescoop has given us what is quite possibly the best news we have come across in a while. Drum roll please, we have the Sony Ericsson TM 506. Now, our info matches this up with this phone being the Bella we have been mouth watering over for some time. Of course the only thing that truly matters is that the phonescoop article points out the … [read full article]

Dual-sim Hotspot@Home router FTW

Well our inbox this morning had another little goody in it. LiquidCipher of fame was kind enough to send some pics over of the new hotspot@home router lauching sometime early next month. This one has a few extra goodies though. He was even kind enough to write up his own little review for us. I love it when someone does all the work for me. “Well boys and girls, with the … [read full article]