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T-mobile Officially Announces 3G cities!

Sorry faithful readers, this comes hours after its most certainly gone viral through the gadget world. Unfortunately I’ve been away from the computer all day and had information withdrawal. Better late then never right? Check the list below for your cities: Markets currently with T-Mobile 3G (13): Austin Baltimore Boston Dallas Houston Las Vegas Miami Minneapolis New York/New Jersey/Long Island Phoenix Portland San Antonio San Diego Markets getting T-Mobile 3G by mid-October (8): Atlanta Chicago Los Angeles … [read full article]

7 days…

Need I say more? No, probably not. For now, even if tomorrow passes by uneventful we have but 7 days remaining before the truth be told. No more Indiana Jones like scouring through tips, no more digging through FCC docs and photoshopping what our idea the phone should look like. No, just 7 days until we hear it from magenta themselves.

Hope yet for the presale?!

This little goodie hit my inbox a few moments ago and it is nice! While we definitely have all expressed doubts that the 17th is looking less and less likely as day 0. The Reuters article discussing the 23rd “announcement” renews any hope that may be gone for the pre-sale, if anything we MUST wait until next week before coming to conclusions. … [read full article]

Stay Classy San Diego…

Good evening San Diego and welcome to another edition of Tmonews, here’s what happening in your world tonight. Tonights top story is a T-mobile 3G launch announcement. Let’s go to Brian Fantana who’s live on the scene with a Tmonews exclusive. Brian? Thanks David, today T-mobile, the number four wireless carrier announces yet another city in their slow but sure progression toward taking over the wireless world. This is … [read full article]

More Android goodness…

While the videos may be taken from a qualcomm phone that looks like its back from the Zack Morris days as mentioned in the article, Android performs pretty damn well on a phone that thankfully doesn’t look anything like what we can expect. More videos after the jump here. Thanks to Android Community! P.S. –Sorry for getting this up late guys, I didn’t have any power this morning and I’m just trying … [read full article]