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"Behold" the Samsung T919

We first got wind of this phone back in mid-August and it certainly has a lot of expectation as the first ALL-touch screen phone for T-mobile. Dubbed the “Behold” we’re still waiting on a detailed list of specs, but we know a 5mp camera,  Honestly, where do they come up with these names lately?! Well the good news is info leaking out shows a November 10th release date with a price of … [read full article]

T-mobile Blackberry Pearl Kickstart 8220 Unboxing

Courtesy of boygenius, we have unboxing pictures this morning of my favorite phone to call by three names. Thanks to some high quality imagery we get a much better look at the phone itself as well as the usual range of included items shipping with the phone. Though I was really disappointed to read through boygenius’ quick summary of the phone itself as the words terrible, 2001, letdown, bad, worst … [read full article]

Sometimes lightning does strike twice…

Yesterday we posted a few “unboxing” pics that were more tease than anything else, yet we got some eye candy of the box itself. We know you wanted more, we wanted more and it looks like our super secret ninja was holding out on us. This afternoon our inbox had more spy shots and we get a much better look at what is included with the phone. I can only wonder … [read full article]

Everyone loves screenshots…

The ninjas over at boygenius are at it again this time scoring purported screen shots from Best Buy showing the expected “launch” dates of both our beloved G1 and the Blackberry Pearl Flip 8220 Kickstart whatever other name it has. Word out of boygenius is that the G1 won’t actually be on sale from Best Buy until November 16th. Sounds like a random day to launch a phone but … [read full article]

"Unboxing" pics…with lots of imagination required

Well for most of us, there are 22 days left till the G1 launches. Not for this lucky anonymous tipster who sent in what just might be the first “unboxing” pics on the net. We’re using that term loosely because there were unfortunately only a few pics sent in and they leave ALOT to the imagination. That being said remember we aren’t really seeing anything “new” but still, we know you guys love spy shots of the … [read full article]

More Android please…


The good news of course is the days till the G1 launch are whittling down. The BETTER news is that recent reports have both Motorola and Nokia expressing interest in the Android community. Techcrunch just posted a little blurb about Motorola expanding their Android developer team from 50-350, which can only be read as a larger committment to the manufacturering of devices. … [read full article]

Confirmed info leaks…

“Available in all stores within 3G boundary area, regardless of whether or not store is in a 3G dead spot. Available in some locations directly outside of the 3G boundary area due to the fact that some customers who live in the 3G boundary area shop within a 2 – 5 mile radius and the store they would go to is outside of the 3G boundary area. For those stores … [read full article]