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More 3G on the way!

Just in time for the G1 launch next week T-mobile is greenlighting Memphis and Tampa for 3G love. That’s official from T-mobile, though specific days were not mentioned in the report via Phonescoop. I know Tampa residents have been clamoring for a long time especially since late September when Orlando pointed and laughed. So congratulations Memphis and Tampa, welcome to the club. … [read full article]

Google can kill your phone whenever…

Most will remember a day not long ago when Apple fanboy’s rose up in viral protest about Apple’s disclosure of having a kill switch embedded in the iPhone to remotely disable malicious applications. Well while Apple hides behind its 10 foot wall of privacy, Google has decided on a much more forthright approach. “Hidden” yet perfectly viewable in the About Phone section of the Android software is … [read full article]

Sacramento, say hello to 3G!

Well today’s news will almost without question be dominated by endless searches of Yet today is also welcome news for Sacramento, California and the fact that they now join the ranks of the 3G elite. Tips are coming in that you are now able to access Magenta’s high speed services. I can only imagine how great this news must be for … [read full article]

Videos are always fun

First let me just preface with the irony of today’s G1 video. It comes from an iPhone fan website. The guys at iPhonesavior posted a G1 video today that shows some excellent shots of pacman which is all I really want the phone for anyway. Just kidding but we do get great shots, however, of the market, google street view along with a few other goodies. As usual I prefer the video … [read full article]