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T-mobile Releases MyAccount to Android Market, World Peace is at Hand


G1 users can now easily access remaining minutes, messages, billing details and more right from the comfort of their very own Android app. T-mobile has released their very first Android market application in the form of a “My Account” app which while not different from the My Account internet page still offers up: current activity, bill summary, plan information, online payment, help guides, forums, battery info, storage info, and more.  I think its safe to say that … [read full article]

How Many Apps?


I came across an article from Fiercewireless this morning regarding the android application market and I got a little intrigued by a quote from T-mobile CTO Cole Brodman: T-Mobile CTO Cole Brodman said the average user of a T-Mobile G1, the first and (only, for now) phone in North America running on Google’s Android platform, has downloaded about 40 applications onto their phone. According to the article, 2300 applications currently exist on the Android market so I’m … [read full article]

Buy a Memoir, Get a Cameo


With the release of the Samsung Memoir and its 8 megapixel camera, cross promotion was inevitable among products in the T-mobile lineup. Lets take a trip back in time and remember the Cameo, the T-mobile digital picture frame capable of wirelessly receiving pics from your mobile device. Turns out this thing is still around and with the release of the Memoir, currently the highest megapixel offering available in the states, … [read full article]

More Android Please


While its appearance could easily be mistaken for that “other” phone, the Huawei Android prototype pictured above made a non-working debut at Mobile World Congress. Reports coming out of Spain had an expectation for a release of the pictured device around Q3 2009. According the guys over at SlashGear, it just might be making its way over to the big magenta.  SlashGear is reporting that Huawei has signed an … [read full article]

Extra, extra free smartphones!!


How do the words “free” and “smartphone” make you feel? In this business, that’s almost the pot at the end of the rainbow and all of the current phone manufacturers, its a newcomer who may bring the best pricing to the table. Acer, better known for their computers/laptops and current line of netbooks recently unveiled their line of wireless devices at Mobile World Congress. Sascha Segan over at PCmag has an interesting … [read full article]

Telenav GPS coming to the T-mobile G1


While I normally stay away from individual application reviews for the G1, I believe the prospect and announcement of full on turn by turn navigation for the G1 is absolutely post worthy.  This morning Telenav announced that starting February 24th they would begin offering their turn by turn GPS services for the T-mobile based G1. With full color graphics, one-click rerouting, and more than 10 million points of interest, you’ll also get speech recognition, weather updates, traffic … [read full article]