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No Charge For Paper Billing Now?

Well, today is just full of flip flopping companies.  First, with Nokia deciding that Carriers can customize Maemo on the N900 (and future handsets) and now T-Mobile has a surprise for all of us.  A while back we told you that T-Mobile was going to start charging for paper billing, all in an effort to conserve paper and save the planet (a gallant effort nonetheless).  Then Kyle (a moderator over … [read full article]

Here Comes The Cliq Pre-Order

Oh how this is sure to please the masses, as you can see above a pre-order date for the Cliq is in full effect. Price and official release date is still TBD but is there really a price to put on social networking love? This is surely going to get the rumor mill churning on all things Cliq knowing that we are less than 45 days away from the pre-order and in typical T-mobile fashion, a pre-order … [read full article]

N900 To Be Carrier Customizable After All


Not too long ago there was some speculation that the N900 (whether you love it or hate it) would not be open for customization by individual carriers.  Well, Nokia is going out there and denying this fallacy (for better or for worse).  Nokia is saying reports that “erroneously suggested that Nokia will not support operator customization for Maemo devices…” are “simply … [read full article]

Cliq Gets Detailed


With all the launching chaos that happened yesterday, some very lucky people have finally had some intimate time with the MotoCliq.  The best part, there are some nice videos for you to drool over.  The video above highlights the OS and it looks polished, in my opinion.  Jump past the break for another hands on and cliq (see what I did there) the links for … [read full article]

3G Upgrade Coming Soon

With T-Mobile launching all sorts of new data hogging smartphones, you may be wondering if T-Mobile can handle it all.  You may remember that T-Mobile CTO, Cole Brodman, said that: “Our users are sending 600 messages per user per month on average. And, a lot of the users on our higher-end smartphones update their status on social networks a couple times a week.” If you ask me, … [read full article]