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More 9700

You don’t mind more 9700 photos, and even a video, do you?  What am I kidding, you are probably begging for it.  What may be the hottest Blackberry out there (at least for T-Mobile) has been caught on video, and captured in photographs, again.  While I don’t understand the Vietnamese of the Tinh Te poster, phone comparisons and love are universal (oh, and we can just forget that … [read full article]

Behold 2 Goes Official

Well the Android wars are certainly going to heat up this holiday season and T-mobile isn’t going down without a fight. Casting aside the upcoming launch of the Cliq this month, T-mobile and Samsung have officially announced the Behold 2. While not an unknown device to us, we’ve certainly been short on actual details. Well thats all changed now the announcement offering up exactly what we can expect in the follow up … [read full article]

Cliq Preview

While we wait patiently for the pre-order date (which is just over two weeks away, in case you were wondering) you may want to take a gander at more images of the Cliq.  What we have here is the blue version (funny, I thought that went to the wayside) of the Cliq.  Mobile Review couldn’t get into the software because there is no place to sign up for a Motorola ID… … [read full article]

Blackberry 9700 Photoshoot

For all of those Blackberry users out there, you must be about to die waiting for the first 3G Blackberry on T-Mobile.  Well, now you can drool over some more pictures of the 9700, with a beautiful wood background as well.  Just as a reminder, the 9700 has 3G support, WiFi with UMA, GPS, 3.2 megapixel camera, microSD slot and a 3.5 mm headphone jack.  Things are still looking … [read full article]

TouchPro2 On The Cheap

If you have been looking to pick up a TouchPro2 and the price tag has been scaring you off, then do we have a deal for you. Courtesy of WMdeals you can snag a TouchPro2 for $49.99, with the activation of a new line. I’m not sure if you can snag this deal without the whole data plan requirement, but if you could, the cost of purchasing the phone with an add-on line here and paying for … [read full article]

Donot Doubt Us

You may remember yesterday I posted a video showing of the new Android build 1.6 (now with techno), and how I some of you thought I made an error and pointed out that Donut was coming out that night.  Well, you were right, it was a mistake, but I was not mistaken.  Seeing as our sources later told us that Android 1.6 was going to … [read full article]

The “Jet” Is Ready For 3G webConnect

It’s as if the webConnect deities have spoken as they unveil another solution for those seeking to use T-Mobile’s unclogged 3G network on the move. Coming right on the heels of the promo plan announcement is the leak of the newest data connect card for T-mobile, the “Jet.” As the above image states, the already existing webConnect card is more for the on-the-go businessperson, with the “Jet” being the … [read full article]