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T-mobile 3G Exclusively on Nexus One

Number of hits for the Nexus One.

Number of Hits of the Nexus One Are you sick of the Nexus One yet?  I’m not, so here we go again.  Localytics, a mobile applications analytics service, has found that the Nexus One has been in use since November 25th, with a huge increase in use around December 11th (when they handed them to employees and started this snowball effect of leaks).  The[read full article]

T-Mobile, Are You Listening?

Hi, I’m Nicole aka @c0z, the Associate Editor of AndroidGuys. I’ve also been the Copy Editor of Tmonews for a while now, but that’s all behind the scenes stuff. I finally decided to post something, I hope you don’t hate it! :) Please note: These opinions are mine and don’t reflect the opinions of Tmone–no wait, they actually do–so here we go… Oh … [read full article]

Going to be Live Tonight!

Hey loyal Tmonews fans! Tonight I will be joining the live podcast once again, around 11 PM EST. Guess what we’ll be discussing? Yes, that’s right, the Google Phone! So stop by, join the chat, and discuss this giant news with us! The podcast starts around 10:30PM EST, but I will be joining later into the show. Be there! Follow the link below: Link to Podcast