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FCC delays 600MHz TV spectrum auction until 2016

The FCC has decided to delay the 600MHz TV spectrum auction initially planned for 2015, due to an impending court case. Gary Epstein, Chair of the FCC’s incentive auction task force, announced the move in a blog posted just a short while ago. Earlier this week, the court issued a briefing schedule in which the final briefs are not due until late January 2015.  Oral … [read full article]

Connecticut gets wideband LTE

T-Mobile announced officially today that its team of engineers has finished upgrading the LTE network in Connecticut, making it faster than ever. T-Mo claims speeds will be up to 50% faster than before in Bridgeport, Danbury, Hartford, Fairfield, Meriden, Milford, New Britain, New Haven, Stamford and Waterbury. T-Mobile customers in these areas are seeing speeds faster than AT&T and Verizon, and almost two and half times faster than Sprint. … [read full article]

Network update: T-Mobile LTE Sightings in Maine, rural Illinois and Pennsylvania

I have no idea what T-Mobile’s network engineers are eating for breakfast each morning, but if I had to guess from the rate of expansion and upgrades, it’s probably Red Bull-soaked Lucky Charms and three triple espressos. These guys are working incredibly quickly. Over the past 10-14 days, I’ve received a huge number of sightings and updates from readers across the U.S. … [read full article]

T-Mobile to acquire more 700MHz spectrum, in Alaska and Nevada

T-Mobile’s been on something of a mass spectrum hunt in recent weeks and months. Yet another FCC filing reveals plans to acquire more A-block airwaves from Triad 700MHz in Reno, Nevada and Anchorage, Alaska. If completed, it would see T-Mobile add another 2.43 million POPs to its potential A-block coverage. When you add the 2.43 million to the 13.45 million POPs we’ve already … [read full article]

LTE spotted in and around Waco and Killeen, TX as well as Newberry and York, SC among others

T-Mobile has done incredibly well to get its LTE network from 0 to “nationwide” within the space of 18 months. Even more impressive perhaps is that it’s upgrading networks to being some of the fastest connections around thanks to technologies like wideband LTE and 4×2 MiMo. But still, for those living on the outskirts, or in smaller cities with no LTE, none of that really matters. And so we like to hear when T-Mo’s 4G network starts … [read full article]

T-Mobile to acquire more 700MHz spectrum in New Mexico, Texas, Minnesota among others

This week, it’s been revealed that T-Mobile is involved in several new transactions to acquire yet more 700MHz spectrum in a number of new markets. The updated map above shows the markets where it holds spectrum in magenta, with other proposed acquisitions marked in different colors. A deal with Frontier would see T-Mo add 700MHz spectrum in Rochester, NY, covering … [read full article]

Network update: LTE goes live in Gardner, MA plus a map of T-Mobile’s 700MHz spectrum

Some interesting tidbits of information to share with you this morning. I’ve collected a couple of really interesting updates regarding T-Mobile’s network expansion and improvement. First off, is a really handy map which shows the markets where T-Mo already owns 700MHz spectrum, and the areas in which it has agreed to buy. Tip of the hat to one of our readers, Edward for pointing it out to me. . 700MHz Spectrum Map The pink areas show where … [read full article]