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Band 12 LTE spotted in North East Maryland and Louisiana

T-Mobile’s 700MHz band 12 network is officially rolling out. And while the only locations to be announced by the carrier are Cleveland, Colorado Springs, Minneapolis and Washington there are still a number of other markets where customers have managed to get on to the lower frequency network. The pink areas on the map screenshots indicate where T-Mobile owns 700MHz spectrum.  Lafayette, Louisiana [read full article]

Uncarrier 8.0 takeaway: T-Mobile’s network announcements were far more important than rollovers

T-Mobile’s Data Stash may – in the words of John Legere – be “arguably the biggest thing we’ve ever done since Uncarrier 1“, but other announcements caught my attention more. I’m not belittling the new data rollover scheme. Simply re-emphasizing the truth: Without a killer network, a great offer isn’t worth anything. Sprint has found that out to its own detriment.  … [read full article]

RootMetrics: T-Mobile behind Verizon on maximum observed download speeds

T-Mobile loves to boast about how its network is the fastest LTE network around. This claim is based on averaging out actual user-observed download speeds. And there’s nothing wrong with it. In fact, average download speeds shows us a much more accurate view of what to expect from a carrier when we sign up to one of their plans. But how about maximum observed … [read full article]