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[UPDATE x2: Back up and running] T-Mobile LTE experiencing outages in New York, Boston, Philadelphia and more?

It seems as though T-Mobile is experiencing some network issues today. My first experience of it – coincidentally enough – was while being guest host on PocketNow’s weekly podcast a short while ago. Since then, I’ve had a number of emails and tweets informing me that it’s not just isolated to the Boston area where the … [read full article]

T-Mobile-friendly Microsoft device shows up in FCC, new Lumia incoming?

If there’s one thing we’re short on in the world of T-Mobile devices, it’s big Windows Phones. But, there’s a small glimmer of hope shining from FCC filings which could indicate that’s about to change. In a filing made by Microsoft, there’s a device that’s been tested on a number of LTE and HSPA bands. All of which point to a device compatible with T-Mobile’s airwaves. The device was tested on band 2 (1900MHz) LTE and WCDMA,  Band 4 … [read full article]

T-Mobile network upgrades spotted in New Mexico, North Carolina, California and more…

Every now and then our inbox gets so full with network update sightings from readers that we can’t ignore them anymore. This past few weeks has seem a collection of noticed changes all across the U.S. Whether it’s LTE showing up for the first time, or a noticeable download speed boost, it’s clear T-Mo’s network engineer team is keeping busy. Rio Rancho, … [read full article]