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Is truly unlimited data going to disappear?

Looking at the U.S. wireless industry over the past couple of years seems to be indicating one thing to me: At some point in the future, truly unlimited data plans will die. Speaking at the Re/code conference yesterday, Sprint’s CEO Marcelo Claure stated that – although unlimited works really well for Sprint now – at some point, it will stop offering unlimited data plans. As the … [read full article]

Band 12 LTE spotted in south Austin, Texas

T-Mobile’s band 12, 700MHz LTE rollout is showing no signs of slowing down as we hear of yet another sighting of the stronger network. One of our readers from south Austin noticed much stronger signal than normal just a couple of days ago while using his Nexus 6. Curious to see the reason for the extra strength of his LTE signal, he turned to the … [read full article]

T-Mobile Band 12 700MHz LTE network spotted in Fresno, Talladega, Indianapolis and more…

As much as we’d love to, we can’t just take T-Mobile’s word for it that it’s busy rolling out its 700MHz frequency band 12 network. So we like to collate some of our readers’ sightings of the new low-band network in action when we can here, at TmoNews. Over the past week or two we’ve been sent a number of fresh sightings in various markets across the U.S. All of which proves that T-Mobile really has been … [read full article]

T-Mobile gives Cincinnati’s LTE network a speed bump

A couple of readers got in touch with us over the past couple of days to inform us of some very interesting and promising network news from Cincinnati. It looks almost certain that T-Mobile has upgraded the network to a 10+10 network meaning residents on T-Mobile now have twice as many “data lanes” to use. Speed tests done by these readers show that the new … [read full article]