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T-Mobile To Introduce Revamped Family Plans?

If this ninja shot proves accurate, T-Mobile is set to introduce revamped Family Plans on May 22nd which streamline their existing offerings. The picture tells most of the story but lets see if we can’t break it down a little more. Gone are the existing 1,500 and 750 minute plans and introduced are the 1,000 and 2000 minute plans. For $99 you will get two lines with … [read full article]

Samsung “Exhibit 4G” Hitting T-Mobile Soon?

What’s this I see before us? The Samsung T759 running Android 2.3.3 on T-Mobile? I believe this phone will hit T-Mobile shelves as the Samsung “Exhibit.” We don’t know much about the phone but our ninja said he expected the Exhibit to sport a 3.7″, 480 x 800 AMOLED display and is running Gingerbread 2.3.3 as the image shows. Rumored but unconfirmed specs include a 1.4GHz ARM11 … [read full article]