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T-Mobile To Introduce Unlimited Calling To Any Mobile On April 4th, No Contract Required

I have to say, I’m thrilled to see T-Mobile add this to their current rate plan offerings and for such a good value. “Beginning April 4th, T-Mobile will offer Unlimited Any Mobile, a $10 per month subscriber-level feature that includes unlimited calling to any domestic mobile number, including Puerto Rico, regardless of carrier.” Love it. So why choose Unlimited … [read full article]

T-Mobile Launching Promotional Data Family Discounts On March 7th

We’ve just received this little goody in our inbox highlight a brand new promotion T-Mobile is set to launch March 7th. So what is this plan I speak of? T-Mobile’s new Promotional Data Family Discounts “…will be available to help family plan customers lower the cost of adding data to more lines. Family plan customers add data more often to their first two primary … [read full article]

Introducing The PhoneDog Official Smartphone Rankings Guide, I’m An Expert!

Look out, it’s the newest feature the boys at PhoneDog are adding with the official launch of their Smartphone Ranking system. You’ve seen the billboard charts for music right? It’s exactly like that, except this is for smartphones and not only am I part of their “Mobile Expert” team, but so are all of you. Rankings consist of two charts, a “People’s Choice” … [read full article]