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Apple Introduces A Completely Redesigned iOS 7 At Developer Conference

Any complaints about iOS being stale and in desparate need of a revamp got their wish today and in some ways, it’s truly Apple and something else entirely. First and foremost is the completley revamped design and I do mean everything…from the fonts, to the color schemes, to the icons themselves, it’s all very different. There’s no question this is a brand new iOS, for … [read full article]

Why Now Is A Great Time to Be a T-Mobile Customer

A few years ago, T-Mobile was borderline sick. The spectrum crunch was felt in full force by T-Mobile customers around the country. 1,500 milliseconds pings and dropped calls galore peeked their heads at every opportunity. T-Mobile’s smaller customer base accompanied by its use of non-standard frequencies for network operation made it nearly impossible for T-Mobile to garner flagship handsets, further compounding the  “greener pastures” appeal of competitors’ networks. To add insult to injury, T-Mobile had no roadmap … [read full article]

Galaxy S4 with Stock Android: Is This The Next Great Tech Superphone?

We had caught wind of a possible Nexus-like Galaxy S4 previously, but we were naturally a little skeptical because good old Sammy wants to capitalize on its products and craft the signature Samsung experience with its own customized skins and software implementations. I personally wished upon a star for it to be true, but had trouble believing it. Until, of course, Google made this … [read full article]