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OOKLA Speedtest App being removed from throttling?

Not everyone on T-Mobile is subscribed to one of its unlimited high-speed data plans. Some are on the lower plans which restrict data speeds once you hit your allocated allowance. Today, we’ve learned that T-Mobile is removing OOKLA’s Speedtest app from network throttling. What that means is that those who have hit their cap, and are being throttled, they’ll be able to use the Speedtest app … [read full article]

[Update – Images] T-Mobile changes upcoming: Simplified billing, no prorated charges, and EIP included from first bill

We’ve been hearing little snippets here and there about a few changes that could be coming up as part of Uncarrier 5.0, but one seemingly steady feature on the list is billing. T-Mobile is going to be changing its entire billing system, to make it simpler for customers to understand by including and removing current features. Whether … [read full article]