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Android M announced by Google, coming later this year with several improvements

At its I/O developer conference in San Francisco just a short while ago, Google announced details about its updates and improvements for 2015. They included new features for virtually all of its major products and services, but the one of most significance for us phone addicts was Android M. Unlike last year, this software update seems to be much more about … [read full article]

Xperia Z1s Android 5.0.2 Lollipop software update rolling out

We’ve been informed by a handful of our readers that T-Mobile is finally rolling out Android Lollipop software updates for the Sony Xperia Z1S. Although T-Mobile’s software updates page still indicates that it is in “T-Mobile Testing”, the device’s own individual page does contain details of the update. Specifically, it’s Android 5.0.2 and weighs in at over 640MB in size. It also comes with … [read full article]