Posts by David Beren

T-Mobile Teases Xperia Z With New YouTube Clip, Promises More Detail Tomorrow

T-Mobile’s new YouTube clip shows the world a smartphone that can work under water. Whatever could that be? How about the Xperia Z? Ding ding ding! Word from my sources is that a joint press release by both companies is expected next week (the 18th to be exact)…but, the video caption promises “more details” tomorrow on T-Mobile’s Facebook page. The video itself is … [read full article]

What We Missed Last Weekend: AT&T Buried Changes To Their Upgrade Period

Nothing says major press event like a buried change “company y” hopes will go unnoticed. This is exactly what AT&T tried (and mostly failed) this past weekend with the internal announcement of some changes to their upgrade period. In the buzz leading up to Apple’s big press event, perhaps AT&T hoped these changes would go unnoticed by the world at large…instead … [read full article]

Apple Introduces A Completely Redesigned iOS 7 At Developer Conference

Any complaints about iOS being stale and in desparate need of a revamp got their wish today and in some ways, it’s truly Apple and something else entirely. First and foremost is the completley revamped design and I do mean everything…from the fonts, to the color schemes, to the icons themselves, it’s all very different. There’s no question this is a brand new iOS, for … [read full article]