Posts by David Beren

AT&T Takes Another JD Power Award, T-Mobile Still Has Work To Do

T-Mobile still has plenty of work to do according to a new JD Power award that once again shows the carrier bringing up the rear in Volume 2 of the Wireless Purchase Experience. The semi-annual study evaluates “the wireless purchase experience of customers using any one of three contact channels: phone calls with sales representatives; visits to a retail wireless store; or … [read full article]

HTC Formally Introduces Robert Downey Jr As New Spokesman, Can He Give Them A Sales Boost?

HTC formally unveiled Robert Downey JR this morning as the face of their $1 billion “Change” brand platform, a new “long-term strategy that celebrates HTC’s disruptive impact on the mobile industry over its 17-year history.” The deal with Iron Man, excuse me RDJ is over a two-year period that will involve TV advertising as well RDJ working with HTC to help shape their creative direction. One aspect of this brand change will include a word randomizer app hosted on … [read full article]

Apple Rumored To Unveil Next iPhone On September 10th

Apple fans take note, the ever knowledgeable AllThingsD has noted that Apple will launch the next-gen iPhone on Tuesday, September 10th. Citing anonymous sources, the site is generally one of the most reliable sources for Apple-related events. “Apple is expected to unveil its next iPhone at a special event on Sept. 10, sources told AllThingsD. The launch comes at an important time for Apple, … [read full article]