Purchasing The Nexus One


With all the Nexus One news coming out today it’s easy to get lost in the shuffle. Before getting gung ho and clicking that buy button, Google has gone and made it a little easier for T-Mobile folks. New customers will enjoy that $179 pricing but upgrading customers might need to break open that piggy bank a little more. The pre gets a little easier than the unlocked $530 bombshell with a 2 year coming in at $279 or $379 depending on if you are adding or upgrading your data plan.  Unfortunately the discount gets a little higher for those of you who qualify for an upgrade even if it’s a totally legitimate upgrade. Then again, if you want the current HOT Android phone, is price really an object??

You can choose to purchase the Nexus One from the Google Phone Webstore without service for $529 USD, or with a qualifying T-Mobile US service plan at a discounted price:

  • Nexus One without service: $529
  • Nexus One with new, 2-year T-Mobile US service plan for new customers: $179
  • Nexus One with new, 2-year T-Mobile US service plan for qualifying existing T-Mobile customers who are adding data plans: $279
  • Nexus One with new, 2-year T-Mobile US service plan for qualifying existing T-Mobile customers who are upgrading their data plans: $379

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