T-Mobile Tries to Convince the FCC to Approve Metronet Acquisition

Back in July, T-Mobile expressed its intention to acquire Metronet in a joint venture arrangement with KKR, an investment firm. The recent development of those plans is that T-Mobile is still trying to convince the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to let the deal go through. 

Once T-Mobile is permitted to acquire the fiber internet service provider, it will be able to use the marketing and service model to improve its broadband service including its customers and residential retail operations. Metronet will continue to focus on the technical aspects of the business, including network engineering, deployment, and build plans. As of this writing, Metronet serves 2 million homes and businesses. If the deal gets approved, it will be able to reach 6.5 million homes before 2030 ends. 

T-Mobile explained how the proposed acquisition is expected to strengthen Metronet’s financial position, which will allow them to accelerate its expansion goals and network investments so they can further meet its customers needs. This growth will fuel competition in the country as it makes fiber connection services available to more customers.

T-Mobile also assured the FCC that the existing customers of Metronet will not encounter any disruptions. There will also be no terminating existing contracts. Since it will not eliminate any service provider, there is no threat to competition.  

We’ll have to wait how the FCC responds to this filing. 

Source: PhoneArena

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