T-Mobile Store Rep Gets Praised for Helping Non-Customer

After much controversy on the recent practices of T-Mobile employees, it’s a breath of fresh air to find that not everyone is out to make a sale. And this is where their roles fit best– customer service. 

As shared by PhoneArena, a Redditor recently shared his experience with a T-Mobile store representative in Colville, Washington. Although he wasn’t a T-Mobile customer, a store representative was able to provide assistance to him and get his concern sorted out. 

What happened was that his 50GB data-only plan from AT&T suddenly stopped working on his iPad. After calling his provider, he was advised to go to an AT&T store to get it fixed. Unfortunately, the AT&T store that assisted him did not seem to care about helping the customer. There was only one employee “reclining back on his chair” at that store. 

When he told the employee what his concern was, the employee told him: “I don’t usually work on data plans for iPads because they typically don’t work.” The rep then scrolled around on his device before giving up. He was advised to go to an AT&T Corporate Store to get the problem fixed.

Since the closest corporate store was in Spokane, the iPad owner decided to try asking help from a nearby T-Mobile store. That’s where he met Alyssa, the store rep that helped him out. 

“Alyssa didn’t sell me anything. I went into the T-Mobile store solely with the intent to get service from them – she had nothing to sell me – other than her enthusiasm and knowledge, which the AT&T rep completely seriously lacked. I have AT&T service on my cell phone now and will be switching to T-Mo as soon as my annual contract with AT&T is up.”

Now, this is customer service. Great job, Alyssa! Hopefully, T-Mobile will encourage their reps to put the customer first instead of their quotas. 

Source: PhoneArena

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