T-Mobile Reminds Everyone to Prepare a “Go Bag”

Have you ever thought about preparing a “Go Bag?” Now that it’s hurricane season, T-Mobile has extended its platform to offer a public service advisory (PSA) about the importance of one. Emergencies can happen at any time so it’s best to be prepared with your “Go Bag.”

In their post, the Un-carrier shared a video of what should be inside a “Go Bag.” According to the American Red Cross, your “Go Bag” should include a water container, an emergency radio, first aid kit, a personal hygiene kit, and necessary medications. T-Mobile has added a few items to that list:

  • Flashlight and Batteries
  • Multi-Tools
  • Emergency Food bars
  • Dust protection facemasks
  • Duct tape
  • Rain ponchos 
  • Ball point pens
  • Exam gloves
  • Hand sanitizer
  • Portable power banks to charge devices 
  • Device charging cables 

You can check out the video on their website for a visual guide of what to pack in your bag. 

As T-Mobile’s network and engineering teams work hard to extend help during hurricane and fire season, they remind everyone to have a “Go Bag” ready before disaster strikes.  

Source: T-Mobile

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