T-Mobile Hookup deal that offers 20 percent off switchers’ plans ending on March 31


Just a heads-up that if you’ve been thinking about taking advantage of T-Mobile’s 20 percent off Hookup offer, you don’t have much longer to do it.

The T-Mobile Hookup offer ends on March 31. That means that if you’ve been thinking about switching to T-Mo or you did recently and you’d like 20 percent off your account, you’ll need to get a Hookup code and use it in the next week.

With the T-Mobile Hookup, you can score 20 percent off all T-Mobile One voice lines for the life of the account when you port your number to T-Mo. You get a Hookup code from a T-Mobile employee, and when you do, you enter on this site. The discount can be applied to up to 12 lines, and it does work with T-Mo’s two lines for $100 per month offer.

A 20 percent discount on a T-Mobile One voice line is pretty significant, so this is a good deal for folks porting their number to T-Mo. Even better is that the discount is good for the life of the account. So if you’ve been thinking about switching from your current carrier to T-Mo, you may want to do it soon.

Via: FierceWireless, Reddit
Source: T-Mobile

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