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Experian facing several class action lawsuits as a result of T-Mobile data breach


We haven’t heard much about Experian since the days following the data breach that saw the records of 15 million people that applied for T-Mobile service get compromised. That’s changing today, though, because Experian has revealed that it’s become the target of “a number” of class action lawsuits related to the data breach.

Experian went on to say that it’s still working to investigate the breach, which happened on September 15. It’s also reiterated that the payment and bank information of consumers were accessed in the breach. When news of the incident first emerged, Experian said that consumer names, addresses, Social Security numbers, dates of birth, and ID numbers were accessed by the attackers.

While it’s good that no banking or payment information was accessed during the Experian breach, details like a person’s Social Security number and date of birth are pretty important, too. And while Experian hasn’t gone into detail on the extent of the cases being brought against it, with so many people affected by the September data breach, it’s no surprise to learn that there are multiple class actions targeting the company.

Via: Reuters
Source: Experian

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