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T-Mobile suffering from widespread SMS issues


UPDATE: If you’re having SMS issues, T-Mobile also suggests switching your phone into 2G/3G-only mode to see if that alleviates your texting problem.

UPDATE 2: Several of you are reporting that you’re receiving loads of texts at once, suggesting that the problem may be resolved. There’s still no official word from T-Mobile, but things may be getting better.

UPDATE 3: T-Mobile reached out to say that customers are seeing improvements with their text messaging. How are things for you?

UPDATE 4: The latest update from T-Mobile is that the texting issue is almost completely resolved that that the impact to customers should be nearly resolved. 


Texting is a pretty important feature of any phone, and unfortunately for T-Mobile users across the country, that feature appears to be down.

Several of you have chimed in to say that T-Mobile SMS is down, and others have pinged T-Mobile’s support account on Twitter with the same issue. T-Mo says that its engineers are aware of the problem and are working to fix it, but right now there’s no ETA for a solution. T-Mobile says that it hopes to have the problem fixed “soon.”

So what do you do in the mean time? T-Mobile recommends using Wi-Fi calling for your communication needs. Wi-Fi is getting pretty widespread, but it’s no replacement for a cellular connection, so hopefully T-Mo gets this issue resolved quickly.

Sources: @TMobileHelp (1), (2)

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