Archive | 2014

VoLTE spotted in Chicago and Houston

Sightings of network improvements are are coming thick and fast. Of particular interest at the moment is the new VoLTE service, only launched officially in Seattle last month. Earlier in the week, we had T-Mo customers contacting us from Dallas, TX and New York City having spotted the service going live too. Soon afterwards we were informed of the same in two more major cities. First up, … [read full article]

T-Mobile Xperia Z gets firmware update

Any T-Mobile Xperia Z owners will be pleased to know there’s a software update waiting for them. Sadly, not anything major on the Android side. Instead, it’s a minor firmware tweak from Sony. Build 10.4.C.0.808 is now available to download from your Sony Xperia Z, and comes with a few Sony user interface improvements. Music Unlimited has moved to be integrated in to the Walkman app – … [read full article]

VoLTE shows up in Dallas? [Update: NYC too]

It’s not long ago T-Mobile announced VoLTE was going live in Seattle. Along with that announcement came a few software updates for the Galaxy Note 3, G Flex and Galaxy Light. But Seattle isn’t the only city to get the network update. Just today we were sent an image showing the service being live and kicking in Dallas. At the moment, when you make a … [read full article]

Android 4.4.3 coming to Nexus 5 and Nexus 7 today?

Android version 4.4.3, looks set to arrive on the Nexus 5 and last year’s version of the Nexus 7 today. At least, it is if T-Mobile software support documents are to be taken notice of. Sadly, there’s nothing more specific than “security enhancements” and “various bug fixes” mentioned in the post when it comes to features. Not exactly exciting, but it would seem … [read full article]

A peak at Galaxy Note 3 VoLTE update’s new features [gallery]

By now, we should all know that T-Mobile has begun the VoLTE revolution. And although not every handset on T-Mo has been updated to make use of the new service, one device to get updated was the awesome Galaxy Note 3. But, the software update didn’t just include the ability to make VoLTE calls. It featured a whole host of new additions, some of which already exist on the Galaxy S5. Most noticeable were the download booster, … [read full article]