Archive | 2014

iPhone 6 unveiling scheduled for September 9 [Rumor]

We don’t often bring Apple-flavored rumors to TmoNews, but when it comes to sources, it’s hard to dismiss anything written by the ever-reliable John Paczkowski at Re/code. His sources claim that Apple’s next big media event is scheduled for September 9th. “Apple has scheduled a big media event for Tuesday, Sept. 9 — a date to which Apple numerologists will strain to attribute significance. As with September … [read full article]

T-Mo launching Summer Savings Upgrade Offer for pre-selected customers [UPDATED – More info]

We’ve received information claiming that T-Mobile’s continuing its summer of generosity by offering a group of pre-selected customers the chance to upgrade to a new phone at a discounted price. An internal memo indicates that the company is going to be reaching out to 200,000 of the pre-selected customers via SMS message from tomorrow, Aug 6th. In total, 1.5 million … [read full article]

Rumor claims Xperia Z3 will be heading T-Mo’s way

A rumor published recently claims that the next generation Xperia phone by Sony is going to be launched on T-Mobile. Citing unnamed reliable sources, TechnoBuffalo purports that T-Mo is currently “gearing up for the launch“. And we wouldn’t be entirely surprised if it was. T-Mobile launched the Xperia Z1s earlier this year, and so is one of the few carriers in the U.S. to have … [read full article]