Archive | 2014

T-Mo Galaxy Note 4 pre-orders shipping early?

Towards the end of September, T-Mobile opened up pre-orders for its version of the Samsung Galaxy Note 4 with the promise of delivery by October 17th. Now it would seem, many customers who ordered on the first day (September 24th) have been receiving shipment notifications. We’ve had many of our readers contact us via email informing us that they’re expecting their device to land as soon … [read full article]

T-Mobile joins Sprint and others in asking FCC to review AT&T spectrum acquisitions

In a letter to the FCC’s chairman, Tom Wheeler and a few other FCC commissioners, T-Mobile, Sprint and a few other organizations have asked the commission to review AT&T’s recent low-frequency spectrum purchases. The purchases in question are predominantly for blocks of 700MHz B and C block spectrum. The other companies include Public Knowledge, Free Press, the New America Foundation, … [read full article]

T-Mo compatible Quad HD Motorola Droid Turbo in the works?

Rumors have cropped over the past month or so claiming that Verizon is about to launch another exclusive Android device, and is planning to add it to its well-known DROID range. The Droid Turbo – as it’s being called – will allegedly feature a Quad HD display and fast-charging technology along with the usual long battery life. We’re expecting “Big Red” to unveil it some … [read full article]

FCC commissioner discusses progressive plans, wants to look at lower/higher frequencies

The race for mobile operators to gain spectrum is competitive. Each carrier wants to bolster its network to add speed, reliability and expansive coverage. And as device technology is on the increase, and the number of people with LTE-capable devices is growing, network technology needs to match the demand. And it could lead the FCC to start looking at alternatives to the … [read full article]