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T-Mobile Says iPhone Sales Weekend One Of The “Biggest Weekends Ever”

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T-Mobile’s Chief Marketing Chief Mike Sievert spoke to CNET this morning and called this past weekend “one of the biggest weekends in the history of the company” with the launch of the iPhone 5. “We had really ambitious internal goals, and we beat them,” he said.

Sievert declined to show numbers, but unconfirmed reports are telling me that T-Mobile sold around 200,000 iPhone 5 devices between Friday morning and Sunday close of business. Sievert did say that most of T-Mobile’s 3000 had lines out of the door, some of them short but it shows that customers were eager to snap up the iPhone on T-Mobile.

Sievert did say that T-Mobile would likely report early sales in its second-quarter report expected to come on May 8th. Early signs also show the majority of customers who signed up for the iPhone, did so on the company’s Simple Choice plans.

The real test of T-Mobile’s iPhone model will come when the next iPhone is introduced by Apple later this year. A launch at the same time as the other national carriers will be the true judge of just how well T-Mobile’s Simple Choice plans can stand up to the competitive test. Hopefully that day isn’t too far away.


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