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What Will T-Mobile Talk About Tomorrow? Will They Announce The iPhone Launch Date?


Tomorrow is T-Mobile’s big, big day with the rumored launch/discussion/conversation of the iPhone, official LTE announcements and the formal unveiling of the new UNcarrier rate plans. It all goes down tomorrow at 11AM ET and while T-Mobile saw fit to not include us TmoNews folk, I’m definitely going to keep a sharp eye on everything that goes down from A-Z. So what can we expect and/or hope to see out of the tomorrow’s special event?


According to CNET’s sources, tomorrow is the day T-Mobile finally shows off the iPhone to world. I think it’s a pretty obvious conclusion and yet, it’s possible T-Mobile could ignore the iPhone completely. However, T-Mobile doesn’t throw special events very often so it seems unlikely they’d have another one set up another one specific to the iPhone in just a few weeks.

The iPhone has looooooong been expected to arrive on T-Mobile and with the news all the way back in December that it was finally happening, we expect to be shown the goods tomorrow. At the very least, we expect T-Mobile to discuss availability which hopefully includes pricing and a release date.

As it stands now, between various talk about retail stores receiving specialized fixtures for a “new device” coming in the next week and a 25-50% increase in retail store man-hours beginning the week of April 7th, we’re hearing April 12th for the iPhone release. Like all iPhone release dates, we’re penciling that date in, although it is a a Friday and Friday’s are the typical iPhone launch day. For now, that’s the current date that keeps popping up.


Within the last week we’ve uncovered a leaked list of cities we expect to formally go live tomorrow and OpenSignal tests showing possible LTE markets being worked on. Each of these stories have our expectations set high for hopeful LTE discussions tomorrow. Just how in-depth T-Mobile will go remains unknown and as they’ve already announced rollout benchmarks for 2013, it’s possible LTE talk could be limited to the first round of live markets. The good news is that a number of devices are already on the radar to pair up with the LTE rollout. We’ll see LTE talk, but how much is unclear.


With T-Mobile’s new UNcarrier rate plans going live this past Sunday and the information being available for almost a month, these rates are a sure thing for the agenda tomorrow. T-Mobile’s promise to change the subsidy model forever faces an uphill battle, and its competitors are keeping a close eye on T-Mobile’s results with the end of subsidized hardware.

The new Value Plans available through company-owned channels and Classic Plans available everywhere else T-Mobile is sold marks a strong statement from the nations fourth largest carrier. Will it help propel them into continued subscriber growth? That’s the million dollar question, but it’s a bold plan and smart money is on T-Mobile’s uncensored CEO John Legere taking the stage tomorrow and outlining his strategy.

Tomorrow is sure to a monumental day in T-Mobile’s history and while I won’t be in attendance to take some fancy pictures, you can be sure we’ll have plenty of coverage throughout the day.


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