Two T-Mobile Mobile Virtual Network Operators Confirm LTE Network Support


With T-Mobile’s LTE network set to begin rolling out any day now, at least two MVNO companies are confirming they will offer support for T-Mobile’s LTE network once it launches. Executives from both Ready SIM and Solavei told FierceWireless they expect to offer LTE speeds as T-Mobile turns the network on.

Emir Aboulhson, senior vice president of business development for Ready SIM parent Roam Mobility told FierceWireless: “as a T-Mobile MVNO, we get access to all network enhancements and upgrades, [and] this means that mean LTE is available we will offer it as well simply because it’s there.”

Solavei has also confirmed to FierceWireless that it plans to offer LTE support for T-Mobile as well. However, Ultra Mobile, another T-Mobile MVNO, did not confirm plans for LTE support, but hinted they will consider offering that service. Chris Furlong, Ultra Mobile’s executive vice president of product development, said the company is “always aiming to do what’s best for our customers and will definitely consider LTE when it’s possible.”

The lingering question is how fast T-Mobile will open up the network and LTE support to MVNO companies, since they have yet to promise LTE support to those providers?

“T-Mobile has not made any commitments to MVNO partners regarding timing of when they may have access to T-Mobile’s LTE network, and not all partners may receive access,” the carrier said in a statement. “Our own plans have not changed. T-Mobile USA remains committed to launching LTE this year, and we expect to cover 100 million people by mid-year, and 200 million people by the end of the year.”

As of the third quarter 2012, T-Mobile counts 3.9 million MVNO customers out of its total 33.3 million subscriber base.

Fierce Wireless

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