HTC Ville (One S) Specs And Images Hit The Interwebs Ahead Of Mobile World Congress
The HTC Ville is a definite T-Mobile arrival according to earlier leaked intel and “confirmed” through an internal [read full article]
The HTC Ville is a definite T-Mobile arrival according to earlier leaked intel and “confirmed” through an internal [read full article]
As we finish out this crazy week we thought we’d bring just a few more little tidbits of intel to talk about T-Mobile and the future. Let’s start with what seemed mostly obvious yesterday…T-Mobile isn’t likely to carry the iPhone until Apple changes their terms for subsidies. We should, of course mention that is … [read full article]
Ok…so let’s just get this right out-of-the-way. The reason Verizon uses spectrum twice as efficiently as T-Mobile is because their network goes out every other day. It’s easy to be spectrum efficient with a LTE network that hardly works. Ok, stupid joke over. Anyway… With T-Mobile already launching the first salvo in … [read full article]
While yesterdays T-Mobile fourth quarter 2011 financials were by all accounts, less than stellar, the company took the opportnity to lay out aggressive plans for 2012, 2013 and beyond. Utilizing a “Challenger” strategy to reinvigorate the company, [read full article]
Update: We’ve finished the contest and closed out the comments. I’ll have the winners announced on Monday! Thanks to our great friends at Seidio, we’re hooking you guys up with 10 Galaxy S II Active cases. That’s right, we’ve got … [read full article]
Update: I accidentally left out a critical part of todays story, T-Mobile CEO Philip Humm indicated the carrier would offer 10 LTE handsets by the end of 2013. Along with that, T-mobile stated their LTE network would support theoretical speeds up to 72Mbps. On a conference call earlier this morning T-Mobile CEO Philip Humm and CTO … [read full article]
On the heels of T-Mobile’s fourth quarter 2012 financial earnings, T-Mobile announces a reinvigorated challenger strategy for 2012 to help move the business back on track. T-Mobile CEO Philip Humm outlined the reinvigorated challenger strategy focused on making T-Mobile’s 4G services more affordable. In 2012 we will see T-Mobile: “Aggressively” pursue the B2B market, … [read full article]
Early this morning T-Mobile USA announced their first earnings report since the AT&T merger fell through and noted a loss of 802,000 customers in the fourth quarter. That’s the bad news and we know, it’s pretty bad. The good news is that thanks to the AWS spectrum T-Mobile received from termination of the AT&T deal, T-Mobile will launch their LTE service … [read full article]
While yesterdays attention shifted to the Galaxy S Blaze 4G as T-Mobile announced pricing and date with a midnight press release, todays attention shifts back to the upcoming HTC Ville. Thanks to a link to the Ville’s NenaMark2 benchmark results, we’re looking at a very impressive 60.60fps. … [read full article]
Well, what do we have here? Word coming from our friends at PocketNow indicates T-Mobile has the “G4x” on the horizon, an Ice Cream Sandwich-powered Android smartphone. Sporting a 4.7″ 720p display, 8-megapixel camera and 21Mbps HSPA+ data all covered in a sub-nine-millimeter casing. With the name “G4x” floating around, there are obvious references to this device being an LG-ready [read full article]