Archive | 2012

Coming In October: The Huawei Summit, What Is It?

Chalk up yet another unknown device for T-Mobile coming in October, on Halloween in fact as that’s the date set for the debut of the Huawei Summit. There a number of possibilities that exist here — however, given that our most recent Huawei phones have all been mid-range to introductory smartphones, our hopes aren’t that high for something jaw-dropping. That’s not to say Huawei … [read full article]

T-Mobile Says “Backhaul Strategy Key To A Competitive 4G Experience”

T-Mobile’s newest blog post wants you to know that the key to the company’s 4G success, is the backhaul. “Backhaul provides the connection cell sites to the internet. The bigger the “pipe,” the more mobile data traffic the network can move quickly.” T-Mobile began its own massive backhaul rollout in 2007, before it offered even offered 4G. Well, it’s that “aggressive rollout” that … [read full article]

Android Marketshare Declines In Second Quarter As Apple Jumps

While Android continues to dominate the US smartphone market, its grip slipped a little in the second quarter of 2012 as it dropped below 60% marketshare. Android’s drop to 56.3% of all smartphones in the US was noticeably different from the 10% jump Apple’s iOS platform posted, up to 33.2%, up from 23.2% in the second quarter of 2011. Neil Mawston, Executive Director at … [read full article]