T-Mobile Confirms Samsung Vibrant 4G And Sidekick 4G

PCMag is reporting that T-Mobile has confirmed the existence of both the Samsung Vibrant 4G and the Sidekick 4G. They will be joining the Dell Streak 7, LG G-Slate … [read full article]
PCMag is reporting that T-Mobile has confirmed the existence of both the Samsung Vibrant 4G and the Sidekick 4G. They will be joining the Dell Streak 7, LG G-Slate … [read full article]
October 2009 was a time for Sidekick owners that likely still haunts their dreams and makes them shudder at the thought. Well, maybe not that serious, but the data outage that occurred during that time caused Sidekick owners quite a lot of grief and downtime, not to mention lost data. … [read full article]
Let me preface this post with a quick beginning as there is reason to consider that T-Mobile rolling out an LTE network may or may not happen. This isn’t set in stone and is likely to change. There is nothing concrete being said or proof that it is 100% going to happen, especially when considering something that is more than two years away. However, at this … [read full article]
Seems like today was a mini-goldmine of sorts as the employee event that took place today had quite a bit of focus on T-Mobile and the future. One of the bigger messages we are told was the emphasis on catching and surpassing Sprint. Of course, this is quite a lofty goal and, by all accounts, no small feat. Sprint is millions of … [read full article]
I’ll be the first to admit swearing off the “Sidekick Twist” rumors we originated way back last year when we thought it was the fabled Project Emerald. I’ve admittedly turned away from this project when, boom, it falls right back into my lap today. … [read full article]
Oh the good old rumor mill is churning yet again with tomorrows event featuring T-Mobile USA CEO Philip Humm and Deutsche Telekom CEO Rene Obermann. Bloomberg is running a report this morning pretty much offering up the very same analysis we’ve heard for months, T-Mobile needs a partner, more spectrum, needs to grow like a bean stalk , etc. Tomorrow is expected to showcase … [read full article]
While the upcoming LG G-Slate may be one of the more anticipated T-Mobile devices in recent memory, it’s features, specs and pretty much everything else have remained a mystery. According to the website GPSandCo who contacted LG France for information regarding the upcoming tablet, they were (accidentally?) given some information regarding the upcoming tablet. 8.9″ display size allowing 3D content … [read full article]
T-Mobile is partnering with Location Labs and introducing DriveSmart Plus, an Android app which will help stop texting while driving. With texting while driving becoming more and more of a hotbed issue, this is a welcome move to try and curb this dangerous practice. Of course, the final responsibility to fall on the user to practice good judgement and take advantage of these … [read full article]
As expected, the Motorola Cliq 2 is now available from T-Mobile.com. Coming in at $99.99 after a $100 gift card, the Cliq 2 is Motorola’s next MotoBlur device on T-Mobile. It’s Motorola, it’s the Cliq 2, it has MotoBlur, interested? You can … [read full article]
Oh the FCC, you lovely supply of endless information has just seen fit to grace us with the SGH-T959V, otherwise known as the Samsung Vibrant 4G. As Samsung SGH-T959 is the model number of the current Samsung Vibrant, the SGH-959V makes perfect sense as the successor and Vibrant 4G. Of course, the on board AWS doesn’t hurt the argument either. … [read full article]