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T-Mobile Responds To State Attorneys General Announcing Support For Department Of Justice Lawsuit

With the announcement that Attorneys General from seven states were jumping behind the Department of Justice lawsuit to block the AT&T/T-Mobile takeover Sprint, AT&T and T-Mobile were quick to respond. T-Mobile’s Senior Vice President of Government Affairs Tom Sugrue made these remarks following the announcement of the Attorney Generals to join the Justice Department lawsuit:

“Given the numerous benefits the merger will bring to consumers, businesses, and the US economy in the form of greater innovation, enhanced competition, and increased jobs, we remain confident that the facts will prevail and the acquisition will proceed.”

While it’s true that the Attorneys General joining the case provides some hope for those who are absolutely hoping to see this deal blocked by any means necessary the addition of Seven Attorneys General is combated by the knowledge that AT&T has 11 state Attorneys General on their side of the case. Still, there is no doubt the addition of seven states is a positive step for those wishing to see the AT&T deal blocked but we must remember that we are still far from anything that resembles a conclusion to this matter.




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