
(Updated) T-Mobile Announces Sensation 4G Giveaway Details

Update: T-Mobile just added an additional Tweet for those who don’t have a pic with dad. Posting a pic with your child or someone you looked up to as a kid are both perfectly acceptable. Classy move by T-Mobile since not everyone can post the photo with dad. Bravo for allowing everyone to enter.

In combination with T-Mobile’s just announced Father’s Day 2011 promotion comes the follow up to their Tweet over the weekend promising 10 Sensation 4G’s to give away. So what do you have to do to qualify? Just post a picture of you and your dad on T-Mobile’s Facebook Wall and T-Mobile will randomly select the winners. The lucky winners will receive two Sensation 4G’s, one for you and one for dad. Easy and simple, just the way we like contests.

T-Mobile Facebook

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