T-Mobile Branded HTC Sensation 4G In The Wild!

Since we know how much you all love in the wild shots of upcoming T-Mobile phones we thought we’d oblige with some pics of the HTC Sensation 4G. Easily one of the hottest T-Mobile … [read full article]
Since we know how much you all love in the wild shots of upcoming T-Mobile phones we thought we’d oblige with some pics of the HTC Sensation 4G. Easily one of the hottest T-Mobile … [read full article]
The T-Mobile announcement of Bobsled, an application for Facebook that enabled users to place calls through Facebook chat was launch seemingly out of nowhere and taken down just as quickly. After a mixup with Facebook and users confusing Bobsled an official Facebook application[read full article]
I’ve begun a number of my previous editorials with words like “staunch defender, supporter and biggest fan” when it comes to T-Mobile and their corporate decisions. I’ve used those words or something similar in … [read full article]
While T-mobile’s new rate plans actually went live yesterday the official announcement came this morning via press release announcing both postpaid and prepaid revamped offerings. We’ll just refer you to yesterdays post for a … [read full article]
T-Mobile officially kicked off their revamped rate plan selection today with surprisingly little fan fare. At this time of this writing we have yet to hear anything from the Magenta mothership herself regarding the launch. That’s ok as you have TmoNews and we’ve already [read full article]
Originally scheduled for the early morning of Monday May 23rd T-Mobile has pushed back the sale to May 25th. Now labeled as the “insomnia sale” due to the early morning hours this sale takes place, the T-Mobile G2x and T-Mobile G2 remain … [read full article]
I can’t say we didn’t totally see this coming but as it turns out, T-Mobile did answer the question internally as to what happens to the T-Mobile jingle post AT&T acquisition. Well the Jingle is a Deutsche Telekom owned trademark and as such wouldn’t carry over to AT&T after the conclusion of … [read full article]
With T-Mobile’s rate plans set for a total makeover this Sunday there are plenty of questions to be asked. We’ve gotten our hands on a Frequently Asked Question worksheet for T-Mobile reps which might shed some light on the changes. There are quite a few questions so let’s get to it: IndividualPlans 1. Why is Messaging not available … [read full article]
Leave it to a third party seller to be the first to post the HTC Sensation 4G for pre-order. In this case MobileCityOnline get’s the distinct honor of the first pre-order page for the HTC Sensation 4G. T-Mobile’s first 4.3″ Android device can be yours for the low price of $599.99. We hope that … [read full article]
While this isn’t the video I was hoping to post tonight (those of you who follow @tmonews on Twitter know what I mean) this is a clever way for T-Mobile to show off speeds, special effects and some more Carly. On a side note, why do they have to show Dwayne Wade? Where’s Derrick Rose? Come on now T-Mobile! [read full article]