HTC HD2 Slowly But Surely Finding Its Back Way Into Stores

I think T-Mobile is being spot on here with the “overwhelming popularity” of the HTC HD2 as we know articles on it being in stock, out of stock and [read full article]
I think T-Mobile is being spot on here with the “overwhelming popularity” of the HTC HD2 as we know articles on it being in stock, out of stock and [read full article]
T-Mobile just loves this BOGO promotion, so much in fact that they have extended it yet again. This time around, you have until May 9th. Just a friendly reminder that this offer is good in both retail and through customer care, you MUST select two of the same devices when upgrading through customer care. In store, you may pick two different … [read full article]
Place this one firmly into the major rumor category, but if true, hot damn T-Mobile is getting the HTC Incredible. Of course, that’s all dependent on if you believe the screen shots the guys at Phandroid managed to get their hands on. Courtesy of one of their readers who snooped through Costco internal systems, this image clearly shows the Vender as T-Mobile and the device as HTC Incredible. Just like the … [read full article]
I know what you are thinking, “the Cliq just received an update, how could another one be coming?” Okay, well maybe it is more like, “it’s about time.” Either way, Motorola updated their update listing to make sure the update status for each of their Android phones is up to date, or updated (one more update for good measure). It looks like both the[read full article]
A while back, there were several rumors floating around of Magenta supposedly discontinuing the Sidekick line. Many thought that the T-Mobile Sidekick would be replaced with the rumored Microsoft “Project Pink” handsets for Verizon Wireless. Today, April 12, Verizon Wireless and Microsoft announced the KIN ONE and the KIN TWO which are devices targeted towards the younger social networking crowd. T-Mobile states that, even though these new devices are very similar to the T-Mobile Sidekick handset, Sidekick … [read full article]
UPDATE: We’ve confirmed that the T-Mobile myTouch Slide will in fact be running some verison of HTC’s Sense UI. This is the same UI we saw from the leaked Espresso ROM back in January, but it has the new Sense UI features like Leap (pinch zoom homescreen). Update 2: Three more images of the red myTouch Slide were added to the gallery! This morning we were greeted … [read full article]
Update: It’s running Android 2.1! New pics to be added soon but hit the jump for a software version image! More pics here! It was just yesterday that we promised future leaked images of the “next MyTouch device,” aka MyTouch Slide, aka Espresso. The image above is … [read full article]
Thanks to a few tipsters, we’ve been able to compile some information on upcoming T-Mobile devices. First, we could be looking at not one, not two, but THREE LG devices launching before July. No word on what exactly these phones contain within, but we’re hoping at least one of the three will be an Android smartphone especially with the LG GS505 passing the FCC in February. LG … [read full article]
Maybe you were upset that Verizon and Skype made an exclusive deal with each other to offer VoIP calls in an Android app. Well, if you were, then you should be happy soon. Vonage has decided to offer an Android app that will do just that, and it is only for T-Mobile and AT&T Android phones. In case you are unfamiliar with Vonage Mobile, it lets customers make VoIP calls using a Wi-Fi network, reducing the cost … [read full article]
We can’t say we are 100% confident in this launching, but based in part on the screen shot above, a couple of tips we’ve received this week and our own ability to see the future, we’re thinking it’s looking good. What we’re picking up here is that T-Mobile will be launching a $50 talk/text plan that is a pre-paid, no contract, that allows you to choose from any device in the T-Mobile lineup. Actually, this sounds like … [read full article]