Dell Fesses Up To Venue Pro Wi-Fi Issues, Will Reship November 19th

I must have been sleeping today or just caught in up Nexus S news and rumors but Microsoft has come clean on the matter of the Dell Venue Pro [read full article]
I must have been sleeping today or just caught in up Nexus S news and rumors but Microsoft has come clean on the matter of the Dell Venue Pro [read full article]
The Nexus S leaks continue, with another leaked image from Best Buy internal systems. This particular snapshot shows some specs of the Nexus S and confirms T-Mobile as the designated service provider for the handset. According to the image, the Nexus S, sadly, won’t be 4G capable as the technology details reveal the handset is only able to handle HSUPA 5.76 (uplink)/7.2 (Downlink). … [read full article]
The Nexus S news train continues yet again thanks to yet another Best Buy “leak.” This image comes from an “In Store” web-based flier from … [read full article]
Breaking away from the news, sales and normal rotation of stories we’ve received word of a nifty little feature T-Mobile will introduce on November 14th. T-Mobile will launch a $2.99 Caller Name Display add on feature that will allow customers to view the names and numbers of callers even if they aren’t listed in the customers address book. We’re trying to get word on what devices this will … [read full article]
Those eagle-eyed boys at Phandroid have found what can only be described as a “silver bullet” in the Nexus S “is it real?” debate. A pre-order page on was spotted but the real kicker, at least in our case is the reference “Nexus S for T-Mobile.” While we still know next to nothing about this phone and … [read full article]
Update: We’re getting word now both in the comments and from our sources that the event has been cancelled. No reason or explanation was given only that it has been cancelled and will be rescheduled for another day. We’ll update as we hear more! We’re back with a follow up on our article … [read full article]
Today is the 8th day many of you have had your hands on a myTouch4G so as is the norm for high profile T-Mobile launches we are throwing up a poll and wondering, what are your thoughts? Eight days in, is the myTouch4G everything you could have wanted … [read full article]
Behold the Samsung Galaxy Tab, now available from T-Mobile for just $399.99 on contract or you can make your way out of the store contract free for $599.99. I suppose you might have to break open the piggy bank or ask for an early holiday gift from a loved one but the Galaxy Tab is widely held as the first real competition to the … [read full article]
Now, I know a lot of interest has been surrounding the HD7, but there is another T-Mobile Windows Phone 7 handset out there that deserves some attention, especially if it is having some problems. This ailment probably doesn’t effect very many people, but you would care if you are one of those infected. So, guess … [read full article]
We’ve been hearing quite a few whispers from our ninjas that T-Mobile reps are being prepped for something “big” on November 20th. We don’t know what it is, we just know that we’re hearing far too much in the way of whispers to ignore any longer. The chosen date is of course quite interesting with Black Friday only a few days after. Our guess is that … [read full article]