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It’s Coming….


The original Cliq successor, the Motorola Cliq XT (Zeppelin) announced all the way back at Mobile World Congress, is nearing release.  The MotoBLUR powered handset is still slated for a March 10th release and, as previously stated, it will include a 3.1 “high-resolution” touchscreen (predicted to be 480 x 320), “pinch and zoom” touch capability, a 5-megapixel camera, navigation touchpad and a dual-mic noise cancellation system, with Android 1.5 to top it off. T-Mobile pricing is still unknown, but it should be somewhere around the Best Buy pricing that was leaked not too long ago.  Mark your calenders for March 10th!

UPDATE: The folks over at MobileBurn have scored a copy of a pre-release version of the Connected Media Player that will ship on the upcoming Motorola CLIQ XT and it definitely looks promising. Some new features include, shoutcast radio support, synchronized lyrics, and TuneWiki mapping. Hit the jump for a video demo!

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