Archive | 2009

T-mobile Market Research Hints to "Sapphire" Naming?!


Via a very lucky T-mobile customer who was selected at random to participate in a market survey from T-mobile, our tipster was able to take some snapshots of possible names for the codenamed: “Sapphire/Magic/Dream.” We have the above named “G3, myTouch 3G with Google, Genius 3G with Google, and Prism 3G with Google.” Not really sure how customers were selected or what else the market survey inquired about, but the above picture and those following the jump are … [read full article]

Sidekick Pops Up In T-mobile System


Well we already had some pretty good ideas that a new sidekick was on the way. So that being said this isn’t really breaking news as much as it further confirmation that a device is on the way. Our tipster turned in a screen shot from T-mobile’s inventory system showing the sidekick LX09 ready and waiting for arrival. Its more of a tease than anything else as expectations still place … [read full article]

Ready for 3G Galore??


We’re holding this in the rumor column for now, as it appears to be a real screenshot sent our way but we’re still working toward 100% confirmation. We have, what appears to be a list of 3G cities going live this year for magenta. Its a pretty compiled list and is sure to please quite a few of you who are still oh so patiently waiting for the greenlight! While we want to reinforce the idea that … [read full article]

T-mobile Showing iPhone Customers Love?


  Not really sure if this is a fluke or the real deal but a number of you have come forward, you daring iPhone owners on T-mobile reporting that your mytmobile page now appears to be, iPhone ready. Apparently users are able to perform all the usual mytmobile tasks from a webpage that appears by all accounts, to be custom fit for the iphone. By all appearances from the picture posted above and from the picture following … [read full article]

And I'm Back!


  After a short getaway over the weekend I’m back and ready for some news! Looks as though I missed a lot going on, but there are just a few things to catch up on that slipped through the cracks in my absence.  Most notable is a recent New York Times report stating that Android will be coming soon to a theatre near you. Well not quite that dramatic but they are reporting … [read full article]

Tentative release dates.. get em while they're hot!

Many of you out there are probably wondering – like we all have been – when we might be able to expect some of the goodies we’ve been hearing about lately that are coming to T-Mobile. Thanks to a trusted tipster, we’ve got some serious information here regarding phone release dates through summer. Tentative and subject to change? Sure, and it should probably go without saying that dates can change for any number of reasons, but as … [read full article]

The Bargain of a Lifetime?

Well, you have to wonder what took them so long!  Looking over the tasty morsels that make up the T-Mobile phone listing you may have noticed that the big blue beast that is the T-Mobile Wing is going for the irresistably low low price of only $199.99!  Now, everybody knows that the only reason you haven’t “upgraded” to this most excellent of devices is due to it’s high price.  Well, … [read full article]