
What Does $649 Buy?


So what does $649 buy you? The N900, which has become one of the most discussed phones on the internet and of course has received the label, the next “iPhone killer.” Part of it may be due to the awesome videos showing off the device or the trance music playing in the background.  Regardless, word has come down that the N900 has found its way to the Nokia USA website for a completely not shocking price of $649 dollars. The part that really matters though, its AWS capable, that’s right, hit up the picture after the jump to see confirmation that this phone is going to be available for T-mobile USA customers. Of course a carrier subsidy of course is welcome, but even unlocked this phone stands to be one phone to really save up those extra pennies for. With the warm weather still around, might want to consider throwing up that lemonade stand this holiday weekend.

Nokia USA

