T-Mobile Pulse Passes The FCC

T-Mobile Pulse

The original thought was that T-Mobile was going to get the Huawei 8230.  Then uncertainty arose when the WiFi documents of the 8220 came around.  At long last, though, we have found the heartbeat, courtesy of the FCC, to the T-Mobile Pulse and it is alive (and I couldn’t be happier).  The T-Mobile Pulse is listed as a HSPA/UMTS/GPRS/GSM/EDGE Mobile Phone with Bluetooth, which seems about right.  Also, Huawei has asked that the external photos, internal photos, test setup photos and the users manual all be kept confidential for a 90 day period, with a possible 45 day extension (I know, that is the bad news).  The good news? Well, it looks like we could see this phone by years end, maybe around holiday season.  I’m not sure if you are as excited about this as I am, but you can leave your thoughts and opinions in the comments.
