Archive | April, 2009

T-mobile Q1 Numbers Not So Hot


T-mobile started off 2008 with a bang, announcing they had crossed into the 30 million customer mark and with close to 981,000 new subscribers. This year however, things are a little different with only 415,000 new subscribers coming in the first quarter of 2009. Facing increased competition from Sprint and other low cost carriers T-mobile is likely to find themselves under increased pressure to offer competitive pricing. The bright spot … [read full article]

This Is Just Creepy

There really isn’t much else I can say about this video but apparently, according to the Engadget guys and the linked youtube page its perfectly legit. That makes it just the creepiest unboxing video I have ever seen. Well, T-mobile, I really have no idea what you were thinking with this one.  Engadgetmobile

April 21st Definitely About Sidekick!


Reports are coming in strong and steady that April 21st is definitely going to be a Sidekick launch party. All that hope for the next Android device needs to get swept aside for the moment and focus on the Sidekick line, still a T-mobile staple. While our invitation to this event most certainly seems to have gotten lost in the mail, we’re not even sure we’d really care to go anymore. As much as we appreciate the … [read full article]

T-mobile Service Down in North Carolina


Reports are swooping in that T-mobile is currently experiencing outage in the Charlotte metro area. Phone calls, messages and emails are all reported to not be working and T-mobile stores are apparently inundated with phone calls regarding the interruption in service. According to the rumor czar at Phonedog, the problem seems to be extend at least 30 miles from the city of Charlotte, all experiencing the same symptons of an interruption of service. According to T-mobile customer … [read full article]